machine cnc angle exhibits

Angle exhibits has several machines to be able to develop our stands with the best possible quality. Thanks to having these latest generation machines such as the CNC machine, which is a computer controlled cutting machine. This machine allows to cut different types of materials, such as composites, MDF, wood, steel, foams, plastic, glass…

Machines such as the CNC allow us to design and build the stand that our client wishes for his presence at fairs, congresses, exhibitions…. At Angle Exhibits we are looking forward to redesigning and building stands for the world of trade fairs. That have seen their activity halted by the health crisis caused by the Covid-19.

We are looking forward to returning to the activity to start our work as designers and builders of stands for conferences, fairs... Given this situation we have adapted our work, developing screens, screens and partitions for protection against the Covid-19. Also, we have continued with our work in retail and furniture for companies. As it can observe in the post, New assembly made for a showcase for a mark of bambas.

Benefits of the machine CNC and others of last generation

To develop the various elements we need for the construction of stands, retail and protection elements against the Covid-19. We use machinery and tools of last generation, such as the CNC machine. This type of machinery allows us to offer stands, retail and protective elements of high quality, with the forms, colours, measures… That the customer wants. We can develop the pieces as we need them to build a unique and striking stand or furniture that manages to attract the attention of potential customers.

Angle Exhibits specialises in the design and construction of stands for trade fairs throughout Europe. Throughout our years of experience we have participated in fairs in cities such as Madrid, Milan, Barcelona, Bilbao, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Valencia, Seville… If you would like to receive a personalised quote, please contact us, we will be happy to help you without obligation. Visit our Instagram and Facebook, to see our latest assemblies.


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