design stands anuga

Anuga 2021 took place from 9 to 13 October 2021. Anuga is the world’s leading trade fair for the food and beverage industry. It is the place to present the new products of the major brands. Anuga is back after the cancellation of the 2020 edition due to Coivd-19. It is adapting to the current situation with a hybrid version. Angle Exhibits as stand supplier has participated with the design and construction of two stands for the fair.

Stand design and construction for Anuga 2021, Colonia

Stand design and construction for Moments

As you can see in the following image we designed and built a customised and personalised stand for our clients. Creating an eye-catching stand, which clearly showed the exhibiting brand and its products. Highlighting an interior space dedicated to closing contacts and new clients.

design stands anuga

Construction of stands for Europastry

The second stand created by our company was for our client Europastry and DEH. A stand of large dimensions that follows the lines of the rest of the stands we have developed for the same client in recent years. Showing the brand and, above all, the company’s products in an eye-catching way.

design stands europastry anuga anuga customised standIn the case of the two stands, we have designed the stands in our facilities in Barcelona. Creating the space desired by our clients. The design of the stands is done in continuous contact with our clients to achieve the objective of creating the stand they want and to adapt it to their objective at the fair. Once the design of the stand is finished, we move on to the construction of the customised stand. At the end we transport the stand to Cologne, where we carry out the final assembly of the stand and deliver it to our clients.

If you want a customised and personalised stand, do not hesitate to contact us, we will take care of its design and manufacture from our facilities in Barcelona. We create stands for trade fairs all over Spain and Europe. Developing stands for trade fairs in Madrid, Barcelona, Lyon, Cologne, Hamburg, Milan, Paris, Zaragoza, Valencia, Berlin… Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see our latest stand designs and constructions.


Web design developed by PosicionandoT.

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