types stands manufacturing barcelona

Before starting the post where we will explain how the trade fair stand design is developed, we will begin with the explanation of what a trade fair stand is. The exhibition stand is the place of presentation within a commercial event where a certain company presents and exhibits its services, products and information. But, what types of stands are there and how do they adapt to the needs of each company? In the current post we show the answers to these questions.

Types of stands and their suitability for each company

Customised stands

Customised stands are the most common in medium and large corporate events, such as MWC, FITUR, SIAL, Smart City, Saló de l’Ensenyament… These are stands that allow total customisation. Designers create unique and eye-catching stands that will clearly differentiate the company from the competition. If the aim of the brand at the corporate event is to offer added value and capture the attention of the majority of those present at the event, this is the most suitable type of stand for it.

Large customised stands

The large, customised exhibition stands stand out for their large open spaces. You will be able to comfortably receive and attend to potential customers interested in your services and products. Inside the large area, chairs, tables, service areas, etc. Are usually placed in order to attend to them in an appropriate manner.

They are the most eye-catching stands, but, consequently, the most expensive. This means that they are only within the reach of a few companies with large budgets. These types of stands make it possible to differentiate spaces and create a global project.

Smaller customised stands

There are also smaller customised stands. They allow you to create a unique stand for your brand. However, they reduce costs and are more affordable for smaller companies with smaller budgets.

Thematic stands

Within the customised stands, the themed stands stand out. Designers design stands with a clear theme. For example, if a company wishes to promote its hairdressing products, it can recreate a real hairdressing salon on the stand. This type of stand is the most advanced and requires a greater number of specialised professionals to develop it. They allow the development of all kinds of ideas, but, consequently, they are the stands that have a higher cost or similar to the large customised stands.

Modular stands

Stands developed using a modular system are stands that combine an aluminium structure and plastic-coated panels. These stands are easy to assemble and very versatile. They are stands that do not allow a great deal of customisation. And they do not allow you to create a great differentiating proposal. Modular stands are small stands that are normally used at small trade fairs and congresses.

Regardless of the type of stand, the design team must develop a trade fair stand that will make an impact on the visitors. By showing and transmitting your brand image, services, identity, products and company philosophy. Getting the largest number of attendees to come to your stand.

Angle Exhibits, thanks to our years of experience, offers all types of stands to suit the needs of each client and their objectives for the event. If your company will participate in fairs, shows, exhibitions… Held in Spain and Europe in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Milan, Hannover, Valencia, Hamburg…. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will inform you about our services and prices without obligation. On Instagram and Facebook you can see the quality of some of our exhibition stands.


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