IFEMA madrid angle exhibits stands

The coronavirus pandemic has severely affected the trade fair industry worldwide. Suddenly everything stopped working. Since 12 March 2021, Madrid has experienced the most important health crisis of all European cities. After this tough year, Madrid is in the news for being the first city to start its trade fair calendar. With the celebration last April of HIP, Hospitality Innovation Planet, at IFEMA, Madrid.

IFEMA resumes its activity, going from being a large field hospital, to being the fairgrounds that will host large trade fairs and congresses in the near future. Such as the FITUR, SIMA, Fusión Madrid, Iberzoo + Propet Live Connect fairs… During the months of May and June.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the sector to reinvent itself and organise digital events. These then gave way to hybrid editions, online and in-person, finally moving on to a 100% in-person event. IFEMA has made this move to face-to-face events, although it is maintaining some, such as Libe Connect Education Week online.

This step that Madrid will take from May and other major cities, such as Barcelona, Zaragoza, Valencia, Seville, from June, will allow the return to normality and the holding of major events, fairs, trade fairs, congresses… In a face-to-face manner. This will allow the trade fair sector and companies like ours, specialising in the design and construction of stands, to get back to work and reactivate their economy.

Among the upcoming trade fairs held at IFEMA, Madrid, the following two stand out.

FITUR 2021, international tourism trade fair

Between 19 and 23 May, the international tourism fair, FITUR 2021, will be held at IFEMA Madrid. It will be the meeting place for tourism professionals and the main inbound and outbound markets in Latin America. It will be the ideal place to make new contacts and deals between professionals.

SIMA 2021, Madrid International Real Estate Exhibition

Sima 2021 is the annual event of the Madrid real estate market. This edition will take place from 27 to 30 May. It will focus on the current challenges in the sector. Such as new technologies, the transformation of the city and society’s living habits and behaviours. It is the meeting point for the main players in the real estate market, such as investors, consultants, auction owners, managers, architects, lawyers, construction companies, developers, local authorities… The event is expected to attract between 5,000 and 10,000 visitors. It will be a hybrid edition with a digital platform that will broadcast the meetings and provide space for exhibitions and meetings, but it cannot replace human contact in all aspects.

If your company will attend any of these fairs or others held in IFEMA, Madrid or other cities in Spain or Europe. Like Barcelona, Zaragoza, Paris, Milan, Hannover, Berlin, Valencia… Do not hesitate to contact our company, we will inform you about our design and construction service of stands for fairs and events. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, you will be able to see our latest assemblies and works.


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