Resultado de imagen de imcas 2018

20th Annual World Congress of the International Master Course on Aging Science will be starting on 01 Feb and finishing on 04 Feb 2018. The venue of the Congress will be Palais des Congres which is one of the awesome place for such an important event. With a major programme covering a large array of issues such as Health, Health Care, Surgery, Dermatology, Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, Aging and Skin, IMCAS 2018 is going to be totally a must-attend event. IMCAS 2018 is organized annually.

This year more than 8000 of your colleagues are coming together in Paris, France for IMCAS 2018.
The association of the IMCAS 2018 is International Master Course on Aging Skin.

IMCAS’s 20th anniversary congress will be its greatest yet: don’t miss out!
Some 8000 delegates will join IMCAS to celebrate two decades of growth and innovation. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons and other aesthetic professionals will come to Paris from all over the world to update their skills and invest in new products and devices.
Exhibiting at IMCAS Annual World Congress 2018 is the ideal opportunity to meet up with current clients and form new relationships. But why stop there? IMCAS offers a wide array of sponsorship opportunities to ensure your brand is at the top of everyone’s minds; symposia, live demonstrations, digital advertising, print advertising and special event sponsorships are all on offer to create ultimate brand exposure.

Angle Exhibits will be present at the assembly of stands, assembling a stand produced in our facilities in Barcelona and transported to Paris, offering our turnkey service so that the client does not have to worry about anything.

Our technicians will supervise the work and are always in constant contact with the client.

Once again we provide rental furniture, carpentry, signage, cleaning … and everything necessary for that stand.

See you in Paris!


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