The new edition of the CPhI Worldwide fair, the world’s largest fair in the pharmaceutical sector, is coming up. It will take place at Ifema in Madrid from 9 to 11 October 2018.

You can find more information about the fair in the following links:

Design and manufacture of Stands

Angle Exhibits will be present with the design and manufacture of 11 stands in the different pavilions of the Ifema fairgrounds.
More than 30 years of experience dedicated to the design of stands, decoration, interior design, assembly of stands for fairs. Ephemeral spaces, corporate and commercial spaces guarantee us.

In this occasion we cover the different services and necessities that our clients require. From stand construction and design, to the integral process including design, preparation of materials, assembly in our own workshop and at the fair.  Supplies, catering, signage, gardening, furniture, audiovisual support, painting, cleaning, personnel, advertising, etc. and finally the dismantling and recycling of the different elements.

At Angle Exhibits we have been working on this event for more than 10 years. If you have a project or a stand design, if you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us, without any commitment.


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